Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Bibik - Sumini

It was a beautiful morning. We've just moved into our home a week ago, a day after Dinah's birthday. Our baby's due in a couple of weeks. We're just getting use to the bigger house. Now we have to get used to having another person living with us. I'm not talking about the new baby.

Our new maid, Sumini, or as we fondly call her, Bibik came into our lives in the midst of many changes in our lifes, adding another dimension to our topsy turvy lifestyle.

We picked her up from Gombak. On the way home, we passed IKEA and decided to stop by to get some items for the new house. Bibik awkwardly followed us around, a step behind, insisting on carrying our purchases.

We were going up to the Parking Lot, Zaher, in front of me, and Bibik, of course, behind us; when suddenly I heard something rolling behind me. I looked back, and to my horror I saw Bibik tumbling down the escalator! I keep going down the upward escalator, which was not easy as I was full term and feeling very clumsy; and she keeps missing my outstreatch arms. This went on for a while, until a good samaritan stopped her and helped her up.Fortunately, she's none the worse for it. The embarrassment hit her more than the pain. Nevertheless, we immediately took her to a clinic for a check up.

After the earlier drama, we told her to keep it easy and not do anything, but to familiarise herself with her surroundings. Mak, who was around to help us unpack, gave her a short "orientation" of the house.

The next day, we went to the kitchen to find her in tears and profusely apologising! In her eagerness to impress us, she accidently put our electric kettle (metal) on the stove to boil some water and got scared and the rubber socket started melting and giving out a whiff of rancid smell!

 And that marks the beginning of our lives together. Kamil arrived a week after, and became the center of her attention. She became our family. Bibik stayed with us for 8 years. Age crept up on her and she is no longer healthy. All her children back home have grown up and wants her home. She stayed on long enough to take care of me when Jasmine was born.

Even after she left, we kept in touch. And she came back. When our new maid ran away, we sent an SOS to her, and without hesitation, went through a lot of hardship to come back and help us for a few months. We are her family too.

Bibik, thank you for being a part of our lives. We wish you and your family all the best!

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